Focal Point Optometry


Did you know that the way your lenses are designed and created plays just as big a role as your prescription?

Calibration, set-up, optical positioning design and manufacturing technology techniques all play a pivotal role in how you see.

qualicum beach optometrist

Quality materials, alignment, optical design, and calibration of your lenses are crucial to optical performance, comfort, and vision longevity.


Optikam Technology

Accurately measures the position of glasses upon one’s face to a 10th of a millimetre and 1 angle degree.

Sensity 2 and Dark

Sensity 2 and Dark

Did you know your light-reactive lenses can work in the car?

EX3+ Harder than Glass technology

EX3+ Harder than Glass technology

Reduce your chance of scratches with EX3

Binocular Harmonized Technology

Binocular Harmonized Technology (BHT)

Balancing Presbyopia with Progressive Lenses

7 out of 10 patients have significantly different
prescriptions between their right and left eyes, which can lead to disharmony if not treated with the correct lenses. BHT technology dramatically improves both clarity and comfort in the vision of those who have this disharmony.
